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Enable SSL Communication

Please check here for a general introduction to the system configuration files. The relevant config entries are to be made in the ADEPT2.properties.

Server Configuration

  1. Switch the main communication service to nettycs (or nettys when using netty): ConfigurationManager.confVar.MainCommunicationService = nettyc
  2. Update all used nettyc configuration keys to nettycs, e.g. change nettyc.Host = to nettycs.Host =
  3. Create a keystore file containing the certificate
    1. Open a termin (e.g. Command Prompt or PowerShell) and navigate to the server's data directory (e.g C:\AristaFlow-Chronos\Server\data\ )
    2. Execite the following command keytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -keystore cert.jks -storepass password -validity 3650
      • The most important arguments are arleady provided above. The example uses the RSA algorithm, and creates a file named cert.jks using password as password to protect the file. The certificate will expire in 3650 days.
      • Note: if the keytool command is not found: it is located in the bin directory of your Java distribution
      • The command line tool will ask for all other values
  4. Set the configuration key nettycs.KeystorePass to the password provided to the keytool in the previous step.
  5. Encrypt above password using the following command in the Server's bin directory: .\encryptPassword.bat -f D:\AristaFlow-Chronos\Server\conf\ADEPT2.properties -n nettycs.KeystorePass
  6. Restart the Server to apply the configuration

Client Configuration

  1. Switch the main communication service to nettycs (or nettys when using netty): ConfigurationManager.confVar.MainCommunicationService = nettyc
  2. Update all used nettyc configuration keys to nettycs, e.g. change nettyc.Host = to nettycs.Host =
  3. Copy the configuration key nettycs.KeystorePass and value from the server
  4. Copy the certifikate file cert.jks from the Server's data directory to the client's data directoy