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Rapid Prototyping

Test Client allows processes to be run using the Run Template button in the Process Template Editor. Of course, it can also be executed as a standalone product. In general, processes which contain steps whith no activity or no staff assignment rule can not be uploaded to the process template repository because they are not yet modeled. Such templates have warning entries in the check reports when the modus Execution on Production System is enabled. However, they can be run in the Test Client during modeling to test the current behaviour.

Rapid Prototyping

The Test Client assigns each process step, to which no executable component has yet been assigned, a so-called form activity, which automatically creates a form with appropriately typed input and output data fields from the read and write edges of this activity and the associated data elements. The data-output and data-input steps of the following template have no activity assigned to them and only write or read one data element. When executed in the Test Client, a form with an input or output field to write or to read the data element data is displayed for the corresponding step.

Basic modeled template without activity or SAR
Automatically added field for output

In addition, all steps are executed manually, even if another staff is assigned to these steps. The executor has the complete control during execution in the Test Client. The Test Client via Process Template Editor is therefore an ideal tool for clarifying with the user whether the modeled process flow is correct and meets expectations. It enables a quick overview of the data flows and test execution at an early stage of development. It offers another possiblities for rapid prototyping such as Ad-hoc modify or Take Over Modifications, which we will cover below.

Ad-hoc Modify

The running processes in the Test Client are visible in the Test Instances tab in the Process Template Editor. Using Ad-hoc modify menu entry, it is possible to make changes during test execution and to fix the problems while the instance is running. Clicking this menu entry (look at the next image) suspends the running instance and opens it in the Process Template Editor. You can then modify the instance and afterwards unlock it by closing the view. Finally the instance continues to run with the latest changes added.

Suspended instance via Ad-hoc modify

A suspended instance can be modeled in the Editor like a normal process template. For example, another step change-data that changes the data element data can be inserted into the basic modeled template as follows. After saving the modifications when closing the view, the instance can be resumed in the Test Client.

Modify instance via ad-hoc modify
Resumed instance after ad-hoc modify

An advantage of ad-hoc modify is that the test run does not have to be restarted because execution continues from the point where it left. The modifications can be tested directly without restarting the instance.

Reset Running/Failed Steps

By resetting the running or failed steps via the Reset Running/Failed Steps menu item, errors can be eliminated during the execution of the instance and these can be gradually resoveld until it is finally completely and correctly executable. This function causes the running or failed steps to be reset to the activated state at the begining of the step. Combined with the Ad-hoc modify, the steps may be re-executed and instance execution will be corrected.

Failed step in Test Client
Reset failed step in Editor

Take over modifications

In addition, the modifications on the running instance can be adopted into the template so that the later started instances use this template from the start. Of course, this saves you from having to adapt the template again. After clicking on the Take Over Modifications menu item, the adapted template opens in the Process Template Editor.

Taken over modifications in the template